"Industry 4.0 must reach SMEs more quickly"
German only
Source: elektroniknet (28 March 2023)
CmReady - Interoperability. Security. Sustainability
Source: Speciale Anteprima Hannover Messe (24 March 2023)
Embedded World 2023: These are the highlights from Hall 4
German only
Source: all-electronics (8 March 2023)
No IoT without cybersecurity
German only
Source: elektroniknet.de (24 February 2023)
Bringing Industry 4.0 to SMEs more swiftly
German only
Source: elektroniknet.de (24 February 2023)
Spare parts production on-demand
German only
Source: dhf-magazin (22 February 2023)
Print spare parts safely
German only
Source: sps-magazin (15 February 2023)
Seifert Logistics Group: Spare parts from the 3D printer
German only
Source: Trucker (15 February 2023)
Achieve digital sovereignty
German only
Source: Computer & Automation (7 February 2023)
IT industry pleased about cybercrime center in Karlsruhe
German only
Source: Badische Neueste Nachrichten (3 February 2023)
Flexible licensed and secure
German only
Source: i-need.de (31 January 2023)
Licensing in Edge and Cloud
German only
Source: INDUSTRIAL Production (17 January 2023)
3D printable parts
Italian only
Source: Automazione Plus (15 January 2023)
We bring protection and billing of 3D print data under one roof
German only
Source: Industry Of Things (6 December 2022)
VDMA Baden-Württemberg elects new board
Source: VDMA (29 November 2022)
Comparing consumption-based, perpetual, and subscription licenses
Italian only
Source: Italia 4.0, page 102 (28 November 2022)
Wibu and B&R protect IP machine builder
only Dutch
Source: ab aandrijven & besturen (23 November 2022)
Simply store and print
German only
Source: GOing (23 November 2022)