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In an increasingly digitalized world where cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated and frequent, the need for a legal framework to…
The integration of ERP, CRM, and e-commerce systems with CodeMeter License Central is done via connectors and has been available for…
More and more manufacturers from the industrial sector are asking us how they can use Wibu-Systems’ license management solutions to…
Anyone who has ever built a house knows that a construction site involves many different roles, and the success of the project depends…
In a world where software products and digital solutions increasingly form the backbone of global businesses, the need for robust…
Understanding how end customers use software is a crucial source of information for better addressing their needs. Systematic analysis…
Digital transformation demands flexible licensing models that enable software vendors and end users to efficiently utilize their…
After opening our first international office in the Seattle area in 2001, followed by our subsidiary in Shanghai, China in 2003, it was…
Since 2020, we have been offering the option to store licenses not only in CmDongles and CmActLicenses but also device-independent in…
CodeMeter Embedded is more than just a compact version of CodeMeter Runtime. CodeMeter Embedded runs anywhere, from servers to personal…
CodeMeter Protection Suite enables simple encryption of applications, but what happens if a license is missing? With the CPSEvents…
In an increasingly digital and data-driven world, it is essential for ISVs to understand the usage behavior of their end customers.…
CodeMeter License Portal offers you, as a software vendor, the ability to create and manage licenses for customers and resellers. As a…
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved into a key technology in recent years, profoundly influencing both everyday life and the…
In an increasingly globalized world where digital goods are distributed across national borders, not only do opportunities grow, but so…
1989. 2003. 2014. Some years hold a special place in the history books, some are less remarkable, but all of them are milestones in the…
Software monetization is already key for the commercial success of many businesses, and it is only gaining in importance as the world…
CodeMeter License Central is a product created by Wibu-Systems for a key mission: Ensuring backoffice integration for CodeMeter…
Since 2006, Wibu-Systems has provided you with CodeMeter License Central, a tool that allows you to generate, deliver, and manage…
Selling consulting-intensive and complex software in one‘s own region is already a challenge – doing so globally is nearly impossible…
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