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Every software vendor knows: To monetize your software, you use licenses. But what about protecting the invaluable know-how that is…
My first version of MS Office still came on discs in a box and was paid for with Deutschmarks. It served me well for a long time, until…
The License Portal gives software developers a simple and flexible way to allow users to create and manage their CmCloudContainers and…
Additive manufacturing has truly arrived. When the first 3D printer was introduced back in 1987, it was the start of a long and often…
Depending on the type of product they are selling, software vendors often have to contend with different legal requirements and access…
Many software developers favor CodeMeter as a licensing system because of its easy and reliable integration with a vast range of…
JavaScript can look back on a long and storied history as a script language, originally for in-browser use or client-side processes,…
Massive simulations in the cloud are beginning to replace costly simulation hardware. The automotive industry has discovered the…
November 2021 was chosen as the perfect time for the grand opening of the IT Security Club. Breaking the mold of standard shared office…
CodeMeter Version 7.30 introduced a number of new features to improve the experience of working with protected applications in…
In our last issue of KEYnote magazine, we looked at a selection of options for subscription models with CodeMeter License Central and…
Entitlement – it is one of those words that carries so many meanings: People can feel a sense of entitlement or realize the benefit…
Many software developers turn to CodeMeter for their licensing needs, not just for the ease with which it can be integrated in a vast…
It is a rule of life: All good things must come to an end. And this axiom is true for old applications and entire operating systems,…
More and more software developers are reaching out to Wibu-Systems with their vision to offer their software by subscription. This…
“Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings“: Robert Plant reminds us when singing about the stairway to heaven. If he had known…
The time has come: On 14 April 2021, WIBU-SYSTEMS AG changed its entry in the company register to Zimmerstrasse 5, 76137 Karlsruhe,…
In August 2020, the Wibu Operating Services (WOPS) officially arrived in their new home: WIBU-SYSTEMS AG’s very own data center. From…
But how do you protect and license Python applications?The TIOBE Index charts the world’s most popular programming languages, and it…
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