Frequently Asked Questions



  • To use a WibuBox or a CmDongle on a system as a network server or via the network, a "standard" operating system (Windows, Linux, macOs or similar) is required.
    However, since NAS devices usually use their own operating system or have been adapted for NAS operation, it is most often not possible to use it here.
  • To create a CmDust.log, depending on your operating system, please proceed as follows:

    1. Connect CmDongle. This step is omitted if using CmActLicense.
    2. Open CmDust using the "Start | All Programs | CodeMeter | Tools" menu item.
    The output of the executed program is written to the text file CmDust-Result.log and saved to the user directory which automatically opens when starting CmDust.
    Alternatively, you are able to use the commandline application cmu32 to create a log file.
    3. Send this file for analyzing to .

    For macOS, you create the CmDust file using the cmu commandline program. To create a CmDust log, please proceed as follows:
    1. Open the commandline/terminal
    2. Type in the following command cmu --cmdust --file CmDust.log
    Using the option --file allows you save the output to a specific file. Without the option the output displays in the terminal.
    3. Send this file for analyzing to

    For Linux you create the CmDust file using the cmu commandline program. To create a CmDust log, please proceed as follows:
    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Type in the following command cmu --cmdust --file CmDust.log
    Using the option --file allows you save the output to a specific file. Without the option the output displays in the terminal.
    3. Send this file for analyzing to

    No confidential information is transferred to Wibu-Systems. You are able to check the information saved in the CmDust-Result.log, they are saved in plain text.
  • You are able to import the file using the "cmu" commandline tool.

    Copy the file to the system and import the file using the following command:
    cmu -i -f<location and name of the file>, for example, cmu -i -f CmFirm.wbc.

    The tool is stored in the system's serach path and issues a message n successful import.

    The file import using "cmu(32)" also works on Windows and macOS.
  • If the CodeMeter service (CodeMeter.exe) stops automatically after a few minutes, this indicates that the self-diagnosis of CodeMeter strikes because a process attached to CodeMeter is detected. For example a debugger. The self-diagnosis then evaluates the process as debugger and terminates CodeMeter automatically.

    This often happens when a virus scanner using a kind of 'DeepGuard Scan' or other monitoring tools is used. These DeepGuard scans attach themselves to executables to monitor them. This triggers the automatic shutdown of CodeMeter.exe for self-protection.
    Usually, it is sufficient to enter CodeMeter.exe as exception for your virus scanner to avoid the problem.
  • With CodeMeter version 7.10a Wibu-Systems has introduced signing of Linux installers. However, in order for the verification to be performed, the Wibu-Systems key must be imported as trusted.
    This key is available on the website at "Support & Downloads | Users" in the separate section "Public GPG Key" directly below the CodeMeter Runtime for Linux entry.
    The downloaded pgp.file must be made known to the installer. Please use the following command to do this:
    sudo rpm -import wibu_pub.gpg
    Now the warning disappears.
    The manual signature check can be done via rpm Kv CodeMeter*.rpm.
  • Starting with CodeMeter version 6.90 CodeMeter reads out all existing Active Directory groups and users when CodeMeter is started. This cache is then regularly updated.
    This interval is defined in profiling. You can set this interval to 1-1440 minutes or set it to a value of 0 to disable the queries completely.
    To do this, proceed as follows depending on the operating system:

    1. Press the Win+R keys.
    2. Enter 'regedit' and confirm with Enter
    3. Navigate to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WIBU-SYSTEMS\CodeMeter\Server\CurrentVersion\AccessControl
    4. Adjust the value of ActiveDirectoryUpdateInterval to the desired value
    Note: If the value does not yet exist, you must first create it with the DWORD type.

    Linux / macOS
    Using Linux/macOS, profiling is configured via the Server.ini file.
    Linux: /etc/wibu/CodeMeter/Server.ini
    macOS: /Library/Preferences/com.wibu.CodeMeter.Server.ini
    1. Stop the CodeMeter service.
    2. Open the Server.ini file and find section [AccessControl].
    3. Insert/adapt the desired value.
    4. Save the Server.ini file.
    5. Restart the CodeMeter service.
  • - Open CodeMeter Webadmin.
    - Navigate to "Container | FSB | Licenses | 99 Firm Security Box Item".

    Overview of the FSB entries:

    Firm Code: 99 "Firm Security Box Item
    Product code: X
    (X = your Firm Code)

    Billing entries (depending on the Firm Code-Type entries will differ) - displayed as in WebAdmin:
    X "Company Name" (FA) per CmContainer: A transaction is deducted as soon as the Firm Code is added
    X "Company Name" (PaPu) Per transaction: A transaction is deducted as soon as a Product Item is changed or added

    X "Company Name" (Enc Only) for encryption only
    X "Company Name" (Trial) Release for programming trial licenses (NoneBind CmActLicense with max. 90 days usage period)
    X "Company Name" (Protection Only) Release for programming of NoneBind/Protection only licenses (no 90 days limitation)
    X "Company Name" (Others) Internal information (authorizations etc.)
    X "Company Name" (SER) only CmAct 5xxxxxx - Internal information for calculating the serial number for CmActLicenses (automatically filled in when transactions (PaPu/FA) are purchased)
    - if the SER entry is set to 0 once, but there are still transactions, please contact the sales department

    => With the exception of the "SER" entry, these have only an Expiration Time, but no Unit Counters

    When using Universal Firm Codes, the corresponding entries (FA/PaPu/Trial/PO) can be found under FC102688:
    Navigate to "Container | FSB | Licenses | 102688 WIBU-SYSTEMS AG - Licensing".

    Here the licenses are listed as follows:
    1 Per CmContainer (FA)
    2 Per transaction (PaPu)
    3 (Trial) Release for programming of trial licenses (NoneBind with max. 90 days duration)
    4 (Protection Only) Release for programming NoneBind/Protection only licenses (no 90-day limit)
    5 Unlimited
    1000000 Billing entry for the Test Firm Code 6000010

    Here is a screenshot of how this might look like:
  • To create a Context File (*.WibumRaC), proceed as follows:

    With graphical user interface:
    1. Open CodeMeter Control Center.
    2. Select on the left side the license from which you want to create the Context File.
    3. Click the "License Update" button.
    4. The CmFAS Wizard should now open. Click the "Next" button.
    5. Select the first option "Generate license request" and click the "Next" button.
    If it is a software-based license, you only have to select where the *.WibumRaC file
    should be saved.
    Otherwise continue with step 6.
    6. Select the first option "Extend existing license" and click the button "Next".
    7. Select the corresponding software manufacturer, or if you are not sure, simply all. Click the "Next" button.
    8. Select the file location.

    Without graphical user interface:

    1. Navigate 'cd' to the command line tool 'cmu32'. It locates at:
    for 32 bit: C:\Program Files\CodeMeter\Runtime\bin
    for 64 bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeMeter\Runtime\bin
    2. Use the following command to create the context file:
    cmu32 --context <Firm Code> --serial <Serial number of the CmContainer/License> --file C:\Path\to the\targetFile.WibuCmRaC
    e.g.: cmu32 --context 10 --serial 2-1234567 --file C:\temp\context.WibuCmRaC

    Linux, macOS
    1. The command line tool 'cmu' should already be available in the terminal with a CodeMeter Runtime installation.
    2. Use the following command to create the context file:
    cmu --context <Firm Code> --serial <Serial number of the CmContainer/license> --file /Path/to/target.WibuCmRaC
    e.g.: cmu --context 10 --serial 2-1234567 --file /temp/context.WibuCmRaC
  • There exist different Firm Codes for different CmContainer types.
    1. = CmDongle Firm Code, only importable into CmDongles (Hardware)
    2. = CmActLicense Firm Code, only valid as CmActLicenses (software)
    3. = Universal Firm Code for CmDongle, CmActLicenses, and CmCloud

    The Universal Firm Code was introduced, among other things, to avoid that our customers need different Firm Codes for the different types of CmContainers. Therefore only a single Firm Code has to be queried in the protected application.
    Furthermore, the Universal Firm Code supports some new features that are not supported by the other two Firm Code types. These are among others: License Transfer, Module Items, Blurry Box, and Universal Data.
  • Especially for Linux systems without graphical user interface, it is necessary to configure CodeMeter runtime settings directly in the Server.ini file of CodeMeter.

    To make corresponding changes in the Server.ini file, please proceed as follows:

    1. Stop the CodeMeter daemon using the command line:
    sudo systemctl stop codemeter.service
    2. Edit the Server.ini file:
    3. Create or change the entry in the corresponding section; e.g. IsNetworkServer = 1
    4. Save the Server.ini file
    5. Start the CodeMeter daemon using the command line:
    sudo systemctl start codemeter.service
  • To start the CodeMeter daemon manually, please proceed as follows:

    1. Open the System Settings - General LogIn Items.
    2. you will find a CodeMeter Icon
    3. Deactivate the CodeMeter Deamon via the switsch (turns grey)
    4. Activate the CodeMeter Deamon via the switsch (turns blue)

    1. Open a terminal (Finder | Applications | Utilities | Terminal)
    2. Enter the command cd /Library/LaunchDaemons/
    3. Enter command sudo launchctl load -w com.wibu.CodeMeter.Server.plist
    4. Enter the password of the user account
    Open CodeMeter Control Center to check if 'CodeMeter Service is running" is displayed.

    Wichtig: If CodeMeterMacX (Service) is runnung you will resave an error message.

    If you want to restart the Service please do the following:

    1. Stopping the CodeMeter CodeMeter Service command:
    sudo launchctl unload -w com.wibu.CodeMeter.Server.plist
    2. Start CodeMeterService command:
     sudo launchctl load -w com.wibu.CodeMeter.Server.plist

    To start the WebAdmin daemon manually, please proceed as follows:
    1. Open a terminal (Finder | Applications | Utilities | Terminal)
    2. Enter the command cd /Library/LaunchDaemons/
    3. Enter command sudo launchctl load -w com.wibu.CodeMeter.WebAdmin.plist
    4. Enter the password of the user account
    Open CodeMeterWebadmin (http://localhost:22352) to check if the WebAdmin is now running
  • Please contact our support team after 2025-02-01.


    We ask for your understanding!
  • To program the Firm Access Counter (FAC) using CodeMeter License Editor, you must first create a Context File (*.WibuCmRaC) of the affected CmContainer and Firm Code.
    As always, your Firm Security Box (FSB) and a valid CmFirm.wbc file are required.

    Please proceed as follows:
    1. Open CodeMeter License Editor (Start - CodeMeter - CodeMeter License Editor).
    2. Select in menu "File" - "Open context file".
    3. Select the context file (*.WibuCmRaC).
    4. Open the serial number of the CmContainer in the display tree. Your Firm Code is listed.
    5. Select the desired Firm Code and open the context menu with the right mouse button.
    6. Select "Change item". A dialogue box "Update Firm Item" opens. In this context menu you can now set the FAC to any value, e.g. 1.
    7. Click on "Execute". Then you will find the Update File (*.WibuCmRaU) and a Modified Context File (*.WibuCmRaM) in the directory where the *.WibuCmRaC is located.
    8. Import the Update File (*.WibuCmRaU) into the CmContainer.
  • The CodeMeter Runtime version can be queried in several ways.

    1. CodeMeter Core API
    The CodeMeter Core API contains the function CmGetVersion, which gets the version. For the local system it can be called without a handle. For a remote server a handle to the remote server must be opened first with CmAccess2.
    For information about the Core API, see the Developer Guide at:
    Protecting Software Individually with IxProtector, WUPI and CodeMeter Core API: The CodeMeter Core API

    2. cmu(32)
    The command line tool cmu(32) can also be used to determine the version of the installed CodeMeter components.
    The correct parameter for this is -v.
    Windows: "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeMeter\Runtime\bin\cmu32.exe" -v
    Linux/macOS: cmu -v
    This output can then be parsed accordingly.

    3. Windows registry
    Under Windows the current installed version is also written into the registry by the installer. This can be read.
    The key is:
    The corresponding parameter is called RuntimeVersion.
  • If the CodeMeter service does not start, this could also be the case for security reasons.
    In this case, an encrypted file in the format "LicenseLock<Date+Time>.log" is stored in the CodeMeter logs directory, by default C:\ProgramData\CodeMeter\Logs.
    The presence of a LicenseLock file with a suitable timestamp itself indicates that the CodeMeter service could not be started for security reasons and thus excludes other causes.
    You can also send us the encrypted LicenseLock file to determine the exact cause of the detected security violation.
  • The LicenseLock-*.log file
    The file LicenseLock-*.log is created, if the Firm Access Counter (FAC) has been modified according to AxProtector encryption settings and the Firm Access Counter has reached a value of 0.
    The LicenseLock file is also created if "CodeMeter.exe" detect a " reverse engineering kernel debugger driver" is found on the PC, which cause CodeMeter.exe to terminate itself.
    The information is saved on a case-by-case basis and not appended to a single file. By default, the log file is written on Windows into the directory C:\ProgramData\CodeMeter\Logs , on macOS into /Library/Logs/CodeMeter and on Linux into /var/log/CodeMeter.

    The name of the file follows the pattern: LicenseLock-YYYY-MM-DD-hhmmss-TimeStamp
    YYYY-MM-DD year-month-day specification.
    hhmmss current time of the machine on which the license is available.
    TimeStamp milliseconds value since Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 (64-bit value without padded zeros).

    The file is partly plaintext partly encrypted.
    Wibu-Systems analyzes the encrypted information. The software vendor then is informed on the conclusions drawn from reasons and trigger for and of the locking and is able to take appropriate action.
  • There exist different options to lock licenses.

    Locking a CmContainer via blacklist maintained by Wibu-Systems

    This type locks the complete CmContainer (and not only your Firm Code). This requires that you send the Serial Number of the CmContainer so that Wibu-Systems is able to add the CmContainer to the blacklist. Please note that this locking type cannot be reversed.
    The locking applies once the affected CmContainer attempts to update the certified time or the firmware. Because these are the only two cases in which a CmContainer actually tries to 'call home'. For example, if the certified time for a CmContainer is to be updated, automatically it is checked whether the Serial Number is on the blacklist. If this is the case, a locking sequence is sent to the CmContainer and not the certified time.
    Then you receive a notification when the CmContainer has been locked.
    In order to force a 'call home' once in a while from within your software, you are able to cyclical call the Core API function "CmSetCertifiedTime()". If an Internet connection is established calling this function updates the certified time. If the call fails, either currently no Internet connection is available or the enduser locates behind a proxy not part of the CodeMeter profiling.

    Also when using "CmAccess2()" calls, the API allows you to define which Minimum Firmware Version the CmContainer must have to which the access is performed. This not only keeps firmware versions in the field up-to-date but also to automatically lock all CmContainer which are on the blacklist.

    Locking a license using CodeMeter License Central

    The CodeMeter License Central navigation item "Blacklist" allows you to specify and store Serial Numbers of CmContainer to be locked. In this case, only your Firm Code in the respective CmContainer is locked. This locking type is reversible. Here the so-called "Firm Access Counter" (FAC) is set to a value of 0. If the FAC has a value of 0 a further use of licenses of this Firm Code is no longer possible.
    Via license update the FAC value can be set to a value other than 0.
    For further information on this topic including how to create an item to unlock a license see section 'Blacklist' of the separate CodeMeter License Central User Manual.

    Locking using a blacklist in your own software:

    Finally, you are able to maintain an 'internal' blacklist in your own software to be synchronized with each update of your software.
    Also in this case, the Firm Access Counter (FAC) would be set to a value of 0 to allow for a later unlocking. In order to lock a license or your Firm Code from within your software, you must first read the Serial Numbers of the CmContainer available to the system and then synchronizing it with the internally maintained blacklist. If one of those CmContainer should be on the blacklist, you must decrement the FAC using the Core API function "CmCrypt2()". A small disadvantage is that each call of "CmCrypt2()" can only decrement the FAC by a value of 1. Thus, if you want to use this type of locking, please note that when creating the own Firm Code use a smaller value for the FAC, e.g. 1 or 2.
  • The error occurs because you are still missing the invoicing entry for your Universal Firm Code.
    You will receive this when you purchase your Firm Code and must activate it online.
    You will find a ticket number on the delivery note within the tabular list.
    With the help of the ticket number, you can then activate it on

  • Information about the system requirements for CodeMeter Runtime Kit can be found in the "CodeMeter Runtime Data Sheet".
    This can be downloaded at from our website (see appendix).
    If you have questions about supported operating systems, please download the "Product Life Cycle" PDF from the developer page of our website. You do not need a password (
  • If uninstalling CodeMeter is not possible, you should download and run the "Install and Uninstall troubleshooter".

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