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Blurry Box garners award for innovative advancement in software protection technology
The world’s smallest dongle with flash memory makes its debut in Nuremberg
Digital identities for digital enterprises
Strengthening Open Innovation and Open Source Projects with Software Protection
Technology to be Showcased at SPS IPC Drives November 28-30, 2017 in Nuremberg, Germany
Strong partnerships for new momentum in the digital transformation
Leveraging innovative technologies to transform digital business
Protected and user-friendly digital business models for Industrie 4.0
Partnership Reinforces Commitment Towards Secure IoT Deployments
CodeMeter和CodeMeter Embedded 2.0获得了两个著名的行业认可
汉诺威工业展:全球黑客竞赛测试Blurry Box顶级加密法的强大实力
Leveraging secure license management to ignite the digital econom
CmStick/CM, the secure, classy, and robust unit for software protection
Industrie 4.0-ready concepts for a secure and license-based economy
CodeMeter的嵌入式安全和多功能许可功能:完美匹配Fritz Stephan的EVE专业呼吸机系统
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