Industry Show
As the pandemic is accelerating access to digital information and giving even more momentum to all the technologies reshaping the industrial landscape, the Industry Show intends to highlight the vendors that are excelling in these challenging times with their solutions for a smarter future.
Automation, image processing, smart buildings, the Industrial Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, mechanical engineering, robotics, networking, and connectivity are just some of the many facets of the same holistic vision: a world where humans leave all menial and repetitive tasks to highly performing machines.
Wibu-Systems has embraced the Industrie 4.0 principles from the very start and transitioned its development and business activities towards this new paradigm. Infused by an uncompromising commitment to interoperability, the technologies of the company have expanded to bring software protection, versatile licensing, and topnotch security not just to traditional software developers, but also to intelligent device manufacturers.
At the Industry Show, Wibu-Systems casts the spotlight on three main areas:
- Protecting digital assets: With CodeMeter technology, Wibu-Systems equips world-renowned factory
automation vendors with the tools that enable the core functionalities of the future Industrial Internet of Things: protection for source code and data against piracy and reverse engineering, control over features, functions, and usage through versatile license and entitlement management, and security for machine-to-machine communications and digital transactions.
- Enabling new business models: As vendors tap into a global market, attention to servitization is becoming paramount for them. By using flexible business model, vendors can quickly and efficiently adjust the set of functions they make available, associate licenses with consumption plans, features-on-demand, or trial packages, or indeed mix, match, and bundle the right pieces from their portfolio in a fine-grained configuration for each customer’s needs. The additional integration into ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms allows for an even smoother experience.
- Licensing in the cloud: The new CodeMeter Cloud technology opens a new scenario for licensing, one that
is totally in line with the current times: The solution lives entirely online; the licenses needed to use the encrypted software are stored in CmCloudContainers hosted on the secure cloud server of Wibu-Systems. CmCloudContainers are protected by secure credentials, which are stored on the local computer of the user and verified via cryptographic keys located in the cloud. Manufacturers can update, renew, or delete their licenses in the cloud at any time. All that users or devices need is an Internet connection, and updates are effective immediately.