Categories: Cloud
CodeMeter Cloud Lite
For almost a decade, CodeMeter License Central has been Wibu-Systems’ solution for cloud-based licensing. Licenses can be created in the Cloud and transferred online to a PC or other device. Users can take their licenses with them from device to device by deactivating and reactivating them. CodeMeter Cloud Lite now adds another option to our product portfolio. Read more to find out how it differs from the established solutions and which use cases it was made for.
Strong User Focus
CodeMeter Cloud Lite is another server in the Cloud, which can be operated either by yourself or by Wibu-Systems. CodeMeter Cloud has the necessary interfaces to work seamlessly with existing SSO (Single Sign On) solutions in your established IT landscape.
As is the case with all types of CodeMeter licenses, the licenses are created and delivered through CodeMeter License Central. This means that you do not have to change anything about the integration with your existing CRM solution. Instead of -activating or transferring the license in a local CmContainer, it is simply allocated a User ID in CodeMeter Cloud Lite. That user can then use the license directly from CodeMeter Cloud Lite, irrespective of whether he or she is working with a SaaS application, an app on a mobile device, or a standard desktop program.
Standard Processes
CodeMeter Cloud Lite uses the standard processes of CodeMeter License Central. It gives you a new choice of container, CmCloudLiteContainer, letting you determine whether the license can only be used with CodeMeter Cloud Lite or also transferred to a local CmDongle or CmActLicense. In the latter case, the user has the freedom to choose where to move the license. The license can be retrieved for a new activation by deactivating the offline license or -removing the account from CmCloudLite. The user can switch from dongle to soft license to the Cloud, depending on what you allow.
No CodeMeter Runtime
CodeMeter Cloud Lite offers a SOAP and a REST interface, making CodeMeter Cloud Lite available even on systems where no CodeMeter Runtime is available or integration with CodeMeter Runtime or CodeMeter Embedded is currently not feasible or excessively difficult. This applies primarily to HTML5 applications with JavaScript or PHP applications on servers.
Perfect for Server and SaaS Applications
CodeMeter Cloud Lite truly comes into its own with server and SaaS applications. Consider this scenario: The user logs in to a SaaS application, which in turn checks with CodeMeter Cloud Lite for available licenses and unlocks the licensed features. Now, you might be wondering whether this could be done much more easily with a simple permission table. It can, but the great advantage of CodeMeter Cloud Lite is the uniformity of the processes in the Cloud and on the local premises. CodeMeter License Central can be integrated with SAP, Salesforce or other ERP, CRM, or e-commerce solutions easily, and the process for creating licenses already exists in CodeMeter Cloud Lite.
Mobile applications for tablet computers or smartphones can also be used with CodeMeter Cloud Lite licenses, either by direct integration in the app or by relying on the server. Local applications can be protected against tampering and reverse engineering with this license technology by using CodeMeter Protection Suite and a Protection Only License.
No Need to Return Licenses
Traditional solutions need users to actively return a license. With CodeMeter Cloud Lite, the user can use the license again without any specific action on his or her part, even on a new device. You determine a timeframe for the license’ period of allocation; a keep-alive option extends that period automatically from within the active application. When that time has expired or the license has explicitly been cleared, it is available again for your user. Multiple licenses make it possible for users to use their applications simultaneously on several devices.
KEYnote 34 – Edition Fall 2017