VitaBIT | Mobile Information Services for Care Management

The VitaBIT project is dedicated to developing an open and highly secure IT platform to facilitate the sharing and accessing of patient data. The platform is designed to enable additional applications, such as managing data access, coordinating care professionals, or creating user profiles. Its purpose is to establish new alliances between geriatric care centers, hospitals, rehabilitation services, general practitioners, and other actors in the healthcare system. All of these actors will be connected via the platform to provide their patients with the most efficient level of care possible.
The IT platform is built around a mobile care phone, which closely resembles a regular cellular phone and captures data with a digital pen. The phone is equipped with a large touchscreen display via which information can be entered and images shared.
The project is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) as part of the Secure mobile information technology in SMEs and public administration (SimoBIT) funding program, making VitaBIT one of the twelve projects hand-picked for public funding from around 100 project applications.
- Research Center for Information Technologies (FZI)
- CAS Software AG
- PTV Group
- Sozial- und Diakoniestation Weinstadt