Wibu-Systems supports single mothers and children
Helping Single Mothers and their Children in Honduras

In fall 2013, a letter arrived at Wibu-Systems. Sent by the Karlsruhe school initiative “goethe kidz4kidz”, the school children writing the letter told the story of a children’s daycare place in another hemisphere, in Honduras. A dream was threatened. Without new financial support, the center was set to close at the end of the year. The commitment and initiative of Karlsruhe’s schools paid off: the center will stay open and active! With sponsoring from the Goethe Gymnasium school itself and funding from local businesses, it was possible to close the financial gap and save the “Pasos Pequeñitos” facilities. Wibu-Systems was one of the companies who saw the good in the project – and who have been supporting it since 2013.
Honduras remains one of the poorest countries of Latin America. Every second child and more are raised by single mothers, more often than not in squalid conditions. Going to school is a dream for many of them, not to even speak of medical care. Dr. Vera Dinkelacker, a young medical doctor from Germany, came to witness the reality of life in Honduras during her time of service in the country on behalf of the children’s charity nph (nuestros pequeños hermanos). Driven by what she had seen, she wanted to find a solution not for today alone, but for the future, leading her to found the nursery “Pasos Pequeñitos” in 2005 in Honduras’ capital of Tegucigalpa. The institute takes in children of single mothers for everyday care, to break the cycle of poverty breeding poverty. It provides care for up to 20 children, and much more: genuine affection and the opportunity for their mothers to complete their training and education and start a new and better life for themselves and their children.
Pasos Pequeñitos have moved to a new building of their own, which was remodeled based on the needs of the children. Now the children can be cared for and accompanied even better.
Who is nph?
nph (nuestros pequeños hermanos – our little brothers and sisters) was founded in 1954 by Father William Wasson in Mexico, with a vision to transform the lives of vulnerable children in need. Since 1984, nph Kinderhilfe Lateinamerika e. V. has operated out of Karlsruhe, Germany, extending support across nine Latin American countries.
Through its comprehensive, child-centered approach, nph provides life-changing opportunities for disadvantaged children and youth, empowering them to rise above extreme circumstances. By fostering growth in every aspect of a child's life, nph supports young people in becoming self-reliant, compassionate adults who give back to their communities and inspire positive change.
In its 70 years of service, nph has provided a safe home for 20,000 children and facilitated scholarships for more than 16,000 young people, guiding them towards a future of independence and self-determination.