Your first steps with CodeMeter Universal Firm Code


Let’s get started with Universal Firm Code

Thank you for choosing CodeMeter! Follow this simple procedure to get started with your very own CodeMeter Universal Firm Code:

  • Activate your Universal Firm Code in the CmDongle FSB (Firm Security Box) with a license update file
  • Import the license file
  • Activate your licenses in the CmDongle FSB with a ticket

The three required items

  • license update file – *.WibuCmRaU
  • license file – CmFirm.wbc, and
  • ticket

are being sent to you by email.


Please install the CodeMeter SDK found on the DVD in the CodeMeter Toolkit. Alternatively, you can download it from Wibu-Systems’ website.

In order to send you a license update file, we need a license request from the CmDongle that has been assigned the role of your FSB. If you have not yet sent this request to license(at) or your sales representative, please do so now. You can find the instructions in the document: “Creating a WibuCmRaC file.pdf”.

Make sure you also read the Nomenclature at the end of this document, where we explain what the different elements listed in this document are for and what they entitle you to.


Activating Your Universal Firm Code

Follow these instructions to activate a CmDongle from the CodeMeter Toolkit to work as a CmDongle FSB for your Universal Firm Code.

Note: If you have received a CmDongle with activated CmDongle FSB functionality for your Universal Firm Code, you can skip this step.

Along with this document, you received a license update file (*.WibuCmRaU). This file is meant for a single use. Please save it on your desktop and drag it (by drag & drop) to CodeMeter Control Center.

You can delete the license update file from your desktop after you have completed this step. It has no further purpose and cannot be used a second time.

Importing the CmFirm.wbc

Along with this document, you also received a license file, CmFirm-xxxxxxx.wbc, by email. “xxxxxxx” will be replaced by your individual Firm Code. You will need this file again if you switch the computer you are using.

To import the CmFirm.wbc file, please save it on your desktop and drag it into CodeMeter Control Center. The tools in the CodeMeter SDK are now able to use this Firm Code on this computer.

Please keep this file in a secure area of your computer or in a safe spot at your office facilities. You will need it again whenever you want to use your CmDongle FSB with a different computer.

Activate your licenses in your CmDongle FSB

For CodeMeter licenses, you will receive a ticket via email. Optionally, you can obtain an account on the CodeMeter Developer Portal. In this case, you will also find your tickets on the “Tickets” page in the CodeMeter Developer Portal.

To transfer the licenses to your CmDongle FSB:

  • Make sure your CmDongle FSB is connected to your local computer
  • Access the Portal from the page with a browser. We recommend Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. Please note that the Safari browser on a macOS device does not support a function required for direct activation.
  • Enter the ticket on this page and then click “Next.”

On the next page, you will see your available licenses.

  • Click on “Activate Licenses.”

On this page, you can choose whether to transfer the licenses to a CmDongle FSB or a CmCloud FSB. This document describes the process for a CmDongle FSB. For more information about a CmCloud FSB, please contact our sales team.

  • Click on the CmDongle FSB.

If you have CodeMeter Runtime or CodeMeter SDK installed on your computer and the CmDongle FSB is connected to the computer, you will find the serial number of the CmDongle FSB now in the box under “Select your CmContainer.” If you have multiple CmDongles connected to your PC, select the CmDongle FSB from them. You will recognize it by the text “CmDongle FSB.” This text is engraved on all delivered CmDongle FSBs. If you had this text customized, please look for the customized text.

  • Now click on “Activate Selected Licenses.”

The licenses are now in your CmDongle FSB and you can use them immediately.

If the CmDongle FSB is not connected to a computer with direct Internet access or you are using a browser that does not support this function, you can transfer the licenses via a file-based update. For more information on offline transfer, please refer to the CodeMeter documentation in the CodeMeter SDK.


The Firm Security Box

The Firm Security Box (CmDongle FSB) represents your master dongle that keeps your personal Firm Code. With an CmDongle FSB, you have the ability to create licenses for your Firm Code and protect software with CodeMeter Protection Suite and your Firm Code. Please keep your CmDongle FSB in a safe spot. By allocating the individual Firm Code, Wibu-Systems makes sure that only you can create and edit these licenses.

The CmDongle FSB stores the cryptographic keys that you need for these processes. These keys can be used when the CmDongle FSB is connected. With the default settings, these keys are used inside the Firmware of the CmDongle FSB and are not transferred to the memory of the computer, making it impossible to retrieve them. With the option Soft-LPK, one of these keys is cached in the computer’s memory to improve the performance of creating huge licenses. In this case this key is only available in the computer's memory for a short period of time.

You can order as many CmDongle FSBs for your Firm Code as you need from Wibu-Systems. There are two options:

  • Standard CmDongle FSB
  • Encryption-Only CmDongle FSB

A standard CmDongle FSB can create licenses and encrypt software. An encryption-only CmDongle FSB can only encrypt software. The latter option will usually be used on build servers for daily delivery and continuous integration or locally by developers.

The standard CmDongle FSB is typically connected to CodeMeter License Central and no user has a direct access to it. Alternatively, it can also be used on a local computer or on a network, with access for all connected computers, individual computers, or named users / user groups. Be sure that only those users or computers that genuinely need to do so can access the standard CmDongle FSB. For more information about configuring your network, please see the CodeMeter manual.

The CmFirm.wbc

The license file acts as the second factor for your work with the CmDongle FSB. You should import this license file to all computers on which you want to create licenses with the CodeMeter SDK (e.g., with CodeMeter License Editor or CmBoxPgm) or encrypt software with CodeMeter Protection Suite.

If you are using the CmDongle FSB on a network, the CmFirm.wbc file also needs to be imported to the network server.

Please keep the CmFirm.wbc file safe. If you decide to switch your computer, please import it again to your new machine.

When using CodeMeter License Central, the CmFirm.wbc file will be imported by Webmin. To do so, follow the installation instructions for CodeMeter License Central.

The Ticket

The licensing model of CodeMeter accommodates two options:

  • Licenses can be billed per use
  • Licenses can be billed for a set annual fee

With each new order of CodeMeter licenses, you will receive a new ticket. The ticket also allows you to return licenses from an CmDongle FSB and transfer them to another CmDongle FSB of yours afterwards.

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